Does Teak Furniture Fade in the Sun?

A question that we get asked quite regularly is “will my new teak furniture fade in the sunshine?” The simple answer to this question is “Yes”. Teak is a fantastic timber and is the ideal choice for your outdoor furniture needs. With its naturally high oil content giving it unrivalled protection in comparison to other wood used for outdoor furniture, it will withstand many years sat in your garden and can give you many happy memories whilst using or sitting in your garden furniture.

Sourced from sustainably controlled Javanese plantations our manufacturer produces a wide range of garden furniture to suit all needs and requirements, but what will happen to your garden furniture as it is left outside exposed to the elements?

Teak will naturally start to weather and fade as it is exposed to sunlight, the weather and the UV rays coming from the sun. You will gradually start to see your solid teak furniture turn from the golden brown colour that it was when first purchased to a more silvery grey patina as the wood starts to weather and fade. This is a totally natural process. The fading process can begin quickly but will usually take about a year or two to start to mellow from its golden brown colour when new. As this process continues the teak will continue to fade and lighten and eventually your teak will gain its well known silvery grey patina, that some customers prefer to the golden brown ‘new teak’ colour.

With teak being a natural product, it goes without saying that there will be variations in the colour and shade of the garden furniture when it is new. Our manufacturer will treat our teak to help maintain a more uniform colour but as we have said, being a natural product, each individual piece of teak patio furniture used will vary in both colour and shade.

So, is there anything I can do to stop it fading or maintain the golden colour? Again, this is a question that we get asked a lot and to be perfectly honest it is a very personal opinion whether you choose to let your new teak furniture naturally fade and weather, or you use a product to help retain the golden hue that teak is known for. There are many products available to treat your teak furniture with from oils and sealers to protectors. These products can be used to either maintain and keep the golden colours of the teak outdoor furniture with the use of sealers and oil, or if you prefer the silver grey patina that teak will eventually fade to and cannot wait the few years for this to happen, then patinizers are available to give accelerate and maintain that silver grey finish.

In summary, teak will fade and weather once left exposed to the elements. Living in the UK, we all know what the climate can be like at certain times of the year, sometimes four seasons in one day! Whether you decide to keep and maintain that golden brown colour that teak is known for or would prefer to let your teak fade to that popular silver grey finish, there are many ways that you can help and assist your new teak furniture in achieving the finish that you so desire.